MII India Update

The Hyderabad MII Training earlier this year is yielding some great stories of success from those who attended. Ministry leaders from 10 organizations that attended are reporting that their teams are experiencing an increase in ministry impact after implementing strategies learned during the training event.

“It's been a fantastic ride so far! We can honestly attest to the amazing quality of insights and coaching both during and after Hyderabad. The perspectives and training by Steven, our GURU! on digital strategy, social media growth and best practices towards meeting the KPIs has made the process of streamlining strategy doable and enabled us to think and build long-term! Reaching Gen Z and Millennials with the Gospel in the digital space has been seriously leveled up!” – Ashwini George and Bonnie Andrews, Live Jam

MII and our coaches continue to build deeper relationships with ministry leaders in India. This November, for the second year running, an MII team featuring long-time coaches Nick Runyon and Holly Tate will be leading breakout sessions on Social Media engagement at India Christian Media Association’s annual event, ICMA 2019.

MII is also launching three digital evangelistic campaigns with partnerships that are being formed between local church networks and media ministries.

Praise God for all that He is doing through our ministry partners in India!


President's Update - Fall 2019


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